Reopening Plan – August 2020

St. Michael’s Community Agreement

As members of the SMCDS community, we recognize that our family’s actions may impact the well-being of fellow community members and the school’s ability to function and remain open.  To this end, we pledge to do our part to mitigate the risk and spread of COVID-19 and other communicable viruses on our campus by strictly adhering to all federal, state, local and SMCDS health protocols.  I understand that SMCDS may update these guidelines as necessary and we agree to keep ourselves informed and to follow any new guidelines throughout the 2020-21 school year.  Specifically, we will do the following:


Health and Hygiene

–       Complete a daily self-assessment of health prior to coming to campus.

–       Self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 and immediately report any indications of symptoms in our children to the school.

–       We will emphasize frequent handwashing and adhere to hygiene related guidance of the school.

–       Be vaccinated against influenza once the vaccine becomes available or inform the school if compliance with this request is not possible.

–       Abide by protocols established by SMCDS in regards to hygiene.

–       If a member of the family travels, we will commit to following all governmental guidelines/requirements regarding quarantining after travel.


Social distancing, face coverings and other behavioral requirements

–       On a daily basis provide our child(ren) with a clean face covering, as required by the school’s guidelines.

–       Comply with social distancing guidelines for pick up and drop off.

–       Understand that only enrolled students and school staff and faculty are allowed in the school’s buildings.


Isolation and Quarantine

–       Notify the school immediately and follow all guidelines for quarantining, as laid out by government officials, should someone in our household become infected by COVID-19.

–       Follow all testing requirements and procedures laid out by SMCDS and the Rhode Island Department of Health should it be determined that I came in contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19.


Testing and Contact Tracing

–       Willingly and immediately participate in wellness checks as requested by faculty or staff members.

–       Engage in contact-tracing interview in order to identify those at the risk of being or becoming infected should I test positive for COVID-19.





At St. Michael’s Country Day School, we believe that the foundations of human character are formed at a young age and that our ability to inspire these character traits will determine the future success of our students, our community, and our world.  Learn more about our Traits for Success.