The Arts

  • Date created

    May 7, 2018

  • Last updated

    May 11, 2020

Arts in the Curriculum

All of our students, beginning with our preschoolers in the early childhood center, experience a robust Arts programming integrated into the curriculum. The overall goal of our arts program is to provide an environment that nurtures a child’s innate artistic ability, stimulates creative problem solving, and fosters a life-long love and appreciation of the visual arts.


Our youngest students in Early Childhood enjoy music in both formal and informal settings, with singing, rhythm, and creative movement all integrated into their weekly and daily schedule.

Formal music classes begin in the first grade. As our students progress through the Lower School, they learn more advanced songs, learn about instruments, and musicians, and are given opportunities to perform throughout the school year.  By the third grade, recorders and reading printed music are introduced.

Art and Ceramics

Starting in Pre-kindergarten, students have formal art classes in our specially designed arts spaces which includes a clay room, but even as young as Preschool our students are experiencing shape, color, line, space, and other elements of art throughout their day. As the students progress through the Early Childhood and Lower School grades, art is both integrated into their units of study, such as with the fourth grade’s Africa project, as well as being its own area of focus.

Drama Class

Starting in first grade, lower school students are further exposed to arts education through drama classes once a week.  Our drama department is founded on the goal of enriching the students’ learning and appreciation of theatre through play, improvisation, theatre games, character study, design, and performance. The curriculum builds on children’s natural desire to playact and imagine stories, and is based on strengthening the actors’ three tools – voices, bodies, and imaginations. Young actors and actresses create characters and scenes, culminating in a play by each of the lower school classes.  These class plays are performed for an audience of lower school students as well as family and friends. Students also gain performance experiences during the Grandparents/Special Friends assembly, the Holiday assembly, and ArtsFest.

In keeping with our integrated curriculum, much of drama class subject material also ties into the themes that the students are exploring in the classroom, and makes use of technology that is available in the school. For example, fourth grade students perform African folktales and create African prints while studying Africa in their social studies classes.  The third grade classes produce video commercials; students collaborate to write and act their script, use HD cameras to film their commercials, and use iMovie to edit their final work.

During my daughter’s 2nd grade year, the idea of a Buddy Bench was brought up by a classmate. After presenting...

3rd and 7th Grade Parent

St. Michael's Country Day School

3rd and 7th Grade Parent

Megan Whitlock During my daughter’s 2nd grade year, the idea of a Buddy Bench was brought up by a classmate. After presenting the idea to the Lower School head, the idea was fully embraced. Instead of just providing a Buddy Bench, my daughter and a few students helped build and 
St. Michael’s is a magical school. The teachers are wonderful. They have that blend of intelligence, gentle discipline, and love...

2nd Grade Parent

St. Michael's Country Day School

2nd Grade Parent

Ina Bordelon St. Michael’s is a magical school. The teachers are wonderful. They have that blend of intelligence, gentle discipline, and love inspiring the kids. The sense of community is so evident. The parents are a tight-knit group that truly care about one another and cheer other families one. 2nd 
SMS has given our family so much support, when we first moved to Newport from the UK 5 years ago...

Preschool and 2nd Grade Parent

St. Michael's Country Day School

Preschool and 2nd Grade Parent

Jade Gilchrist SMS has given our family so much support, when we first moved to Newport from the UK 5 years ago and when we moved back after being away for 18 months. The school was invaluable in making our son feel welcome and cared for and included back into 
Teachers never stop teaching the whole student and the curriculum. Every teacher answers my son’s questions every time. Because my...

7th Grade Parent

St. Michael's Country Day School

7th Grade Parent

7th Grade Parent Teachers never stop teaching the whole student and the curriculum. Every teacher answers my son’s questions every time. Because my son’s teachers are so supportive and always help him before he falls, my son trusts his teachers as leaders. 7th Grade Parent St. Michael's Country Day School 
We came to St. Michael’s for two reasons - the incredible arts programs that the school has, and for Phil...

Prekindergarten, 5th, and 7th Grade Parent

St. Michael's Country Day School

Prekindergarten, 5th, and 7th Grade Parent

Jeff Gerring We came to St. Michael’s for two reasons - the incredible arts programs that the school has, and for Phil Tutino.  Too many schools are cutting back on their arts programs, but St. Michael’s understands the value of balancing rigorous academic study with a foundation in the arts. 
St. Michael's Country Day School