Music activities for all toddlers

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  • Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium.
  • Integer cidunt. Cras dapibus.
  • Vivamus elementum semper nisi.
  • Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus.


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Also, my son loves PE. Mr. Cullen’s games have made my son smarter in terms of strategy and teamwork. He...

7th Grade Parent

St. Michael's Country Day School

7th Grade Parent

7th Grade Parent Also, my son loves PE. Mr. Cullen’s games have made my son smarter in terms of strategy and teamwork. He feels smarter as an athlete. 7th Grade Parent St. Michael's Country Day School 5 2019-10-25T09:08:15-04:00 7th Grade Parent Also, my son loves PE. Mr. Cullen’s games have 
My son’s confidence level has tripled since being at St. Michael’s.

2nd Grade Parent

St. Michael's Country Day School

2nd Grade Parent

Ina Bordelon My son’s confidence level has tripled since being at St. Michael’s. 2nd Grade Parent St. Michael's Country Day School 5 2019-10-25T09:08:44-04:00 2nd Grade Parent My son’s confidence level has tripled since being at St. Michael’s.
During my visit to St. Michael’s, it was very clear to me that each and every teacher teaches to the...

1st and 3rd Grade Parent

St. Michael's Country Day School

1st and 3rd Grade Parent

Sara Pimental During my visit to St. Michael’s, it was very clear to me that each and every teacher teaches to the individual child, not just a group of children. Teachers and St. Michael’s know each and every one of the children they teach and it is obvious that they 
Everyone here makes an effort to know all of the students. I was amazed when I picked up my son...

Prekindergarten Parent

St. Michael's Country Day School

Prekindergarten Parent

Alex Lio Everyone here makes an effort to know all of the students. I was amazed when I picked up my son from Field Day and everyone – teachers and students alike – all said hello and goodbye to him by name. It feels so amazing to be part of 
I love how everyone here is very family oriented and very welcoming. Our family felt part of the school from...

Prekindergarten Parent

St. Michael's Country Day School

Prekindergarten Parent

Prekindergarten Parent I love how everyone here is very family oriented and very welcoming. Our family felt part of the school from day one and it made for a really easy transition. Prekindergarten Parent St. Michael's Country Day School 5 2019-10-25T09:10:30-04:00 Prekindergarten Parent I love how everyone here is very 
St. Michael's Country Day School

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